Computer Forensic Analysis

You want to use digital evidence in a fraud investigation or if there are any other fraud collaborators inside or outside of your company or if your employee has stolen critical business information when leaving to work for a competitor?
These and many other questions can be answered with a computer forensic analysis. Computer forensic analysis is more than just keyword searches on digital evidence. It is e.g. also the conversion and extraction of mailboxes, the analysis of user profiles and their logins and actions, the analysis of timestamps ("timelining") to prove certain actions like deliberate manipulation or deletion of data, the extraction of certain document types like office documents, CAD drawings, photos, MP3s and Videos. It can also mean to analyse all USB devices and external hard disk drives that have been used to copy data, the reconstruction and analysis of used websites and webmails and the recovery of password protected documents. We also offer analysis and investigation of online fraud / internet crime / computer crime/ cybercrime as well as network forensics and mobile forensics.
We use approved forensic methods and tools to conduct the computer forensic analysis. We will produce the digital evidence in a format and tools of your choice so your inmvestigators can review the evidence. Alternatively we also offer to conduct the review for you and only present the relevant evidence. For the analysis of large data sets we offer special e-discovery / e-disclosure solutions.